My Ideal Job

My ideal job even I have not clear yet, if I have to speculate, then I would say that my ideal job would be the investigation for the educational psychology, in order to improve the learning of the children, but also what should be teach in the schools and the importance given to the subjects. An important point that I would like to investigate, would be how we can elucidate the potentials of every child and be able to have a personalized education, strengthening them and making happiest children, more trusting and finding their way by themselves.

I believe that I would be good at this job, since with many of my friends who are interested this area too, we have developed study and discussion groups with regard to these topics and I think that we would be a great contribution since in these groups very good ideas are developed.

To perform this job two most important qualities are needed.
1.-To possess a critical spirit and to be able to construct new things from this.
2.-To possess a strong spirit capable of facing all the difficulties of the topic and all the fences which you will meet in the system.

Does not exist difficulty to find this type of job, since it is very poor remunerated and the displeasures can be a lot. Therefore there are not to many the people who want to work in this area and there is a lot of work which is necessary to do.

In spite of the difficulties that is possible to find in this area, it is good to feel that you can contribute to the improvement of education in your country.

See you later, my classmates

Does current education kill the human creativity?

Hello everybody,

Today I have seen the video of Mr. Robinson’s conference and it is very interesting to me that issues like creativity and education are on the table everywhere around the world, as well as I discuss with my friends or in the faculty. This always has been a topic in my group, even more, many of my university mates have decided to remain in the art level, in other words, they are revealed against the system, enough late, but it is better late than never and therefore now they are musician, ballerinas, jugglers, trapeze artists and clowns among others.
He initiates his conference with three topics and they are the same with which he concludes. But at the beginning, he said that the human creativity is easy to demonstrate in the children and in the previous speaker in this conference and also he mentions that the future is uncertain, but that we are educating for that moment. Therefore it is necessary to appreciate the extraordinary capacity that the children have to innovate.
At the end of the conference he goes back to those arguments, but he raises them as a topic of which is necessary to take care and that we must change the form that we educate. He explain that not only we must promote the academic capacity, but also a way of developing an integral education, where we don’t kill the creativity and they could face a future that we will not see, but they yes will and they must be prepared for that moment.
The video of Ken Robinson, you can see in this web site address.
Good bye, see you later.

Educational Psychology is my favourite subject

Hello, everybody again

Today I’ll write about my favourite subject, educational psychology. The teachers who do this class are three and their names are: Jesus Redondo, Paulina Castro and Jorge Inzunza. They are an excellent team and they have often shown us different views of the reality of Chilean education. I am charmed with this subject because it has helped me to have a critical view of the precariousness of our educational system and I have learned to discuss and criticize in a constructive way, with a positive look in spite of the black of the educational prospect.
Another aspect that has been very relevant and interesting is that we have analyzed the visions of different actors involved in education: educational psychologists, scholar psychologists and teachers of municipal, subsidized and private schools.
In this area there are many interesting topics that lead us to build social conscience and try to participate with a granite of sand in changing and improving education, discussing about its unequal conditions.
Therefore, I have learned to have a critical vision and a creative discussion but for overcoat constructive.

My beautiful, wonderfull and ideal future

Hi, everybody

Today I will talk about my future. I think it will be in my new house, with my children and my husband, I will read a good book of psychoanalysis in a winter evening, looking the rain through the window and drinking a warm milk near to the salamander.Professionally I would like to work in the poor communities with damaged children and also I have an office to attend my patients. This office will have an exquisite aroma, a big window for look the rain or the sunset. This office will have many toys, many pencils and sheets in order that the children feel comfortable.What I said previously this is my ideal future, but I believe is more probably that I will be working, forever studying, taking care my children and traveling with my family. But also I hope to continue dancing, having fun, taking for a walk with my husband and having good health.Also I have many wishes for my future, but It is unprintable in this academic space.
Oh, I would like to living in our new house in Padre Hurtado, Santiago, Chile with my family.
I hope that you have many happy plans. Good Bye.