My blogging experience

Hello everybody. Writing this last entry makes me really sad and I hope that you’ve enjoyed reading this blog as much as I have enjoyed writing on it.
This experience has been very interesting. I remember that when I started studying psychology I literally had to “Jump out of the tree” in the use of technology, especially in what concerns to the use of computational tools. Writing a blog for the English subject has been one of the skills I’ve had to learn in this process.
The fun and entertaining involved in this experience have made my learning richer and practical. In fact I think that writing this blog has been the assignment where I’ve learned the most not only English but also in the use of computational tools.
Have I improved my English? I’d definitely say yes. I’ve noticed this in the fact that I have increased my vocabulary, and I finally had the courage to write in English (no mattering if this was ridiculous or not), and all of that with a lot of fun. My conclusion is that this has been an excellent way to learn English
According to the previous lines I have to say that using the blog has definitely more advantages than disadvantages. Now I will enumerate them:
- It is learned playfully.
- You are not under the pressure of many eyes and ears, therefore the dread is eliminated.
- You have the possibility that others check what you write, giving you the chance to improve your grammar thanks to the mistakes that your classmates see.
- There is the risk of others copying your assignments.
It’s a shame that this course is coming to its end, but I hope to see you next semester in level four, the last level of this program, with the conviction that our English has improved (in the case of the ones that had little knowledge) or perfected (for those who knew a little bit before starting the program). It has been a real pleasure sharing with you this course and I thank the teacher for her commitment with our learning process.
See you soon!

2 comentarios:

Irmi dijo...

jajaja we are the same picture!!!
very good very good...
Good vacations Nori!.. finally is the end of english level 3...

Paula dijo...

Your writing ability is amazing, Nora, congratulations. Thank your for your comments and also for your suggestions in class. I have learnt from you, too. You are going to be a great professional, I´m sure.

This is the marking criteria used:

All aspects of the task are very well handled.
3 points.

Excellent use of lexical resources.
3 points.

Grammar is excellent and almost error-free.
3 points

9 points. Grade: 7

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